Does Discord show YouTube music?

Answer #1:

Yes, Discord does show YouTube music. You can either search for a specific song or artist, or browse through the various genres and playlists that are available. You can also create your own playlists and share them with your friends.

Answered By: Ustagi

Can you view declined friend requests on Discord?

Answer #1:

No; when a friend request is declined, it merely resets to appear as though no request had ever been sent.

Answered By: Opie Teller

Answer #2:

unfortunately not, but it should be pretty easy to tell if they accepted or declined because if they accepted they will be in your friends list, and if not they will either still be in requests or not there at all, if they aren’t there, they have declined

Answered By: Isabelle Exford

How do I add mods and bots to Discord?

Answer #1:

Adding bots:

  • Visit This is a search engine and bot promotion site where you’ll find a variety of bots meant for different purposes.
  • Click on the bot you want to view.
  • If it suits your needs, press on the button named “Invite”.
  • You will be redirected to a page that asks you to authorize your account. This is safe so don’t be hesitant to do so.
  • Click on the bar that has “Select a server” inside it.
  • Press on the server you want the bot to be in.
  • Click on “Continue”. The bot should have entered your server by now.

Adding mods:

  • Go to your server and click the three vertically placed dots you see on the right of the server name.
  • Click on “Settings”.
  • Scroll down and click on “Roles”.
  • Click the plus sign on the bottom right of the page.
  • Name the role “moderators”, “mods” or whatever you want.
  • Scroll and see which permissions you want the mods in your server to have. You might want to give them permissions to only manage messages and mute members if you want an Admin role that would have higher permissions like kicking and banning members.
  • After you’re done, click on the save icon that is in the same place (bottom right) that the plus sign was previously.
  • Then find the members you want to make mods in the member’s list and click “Manage User”.
  • Scroll down to the role you just made and click on it.
  • The box beside the role name will fill itself with a check mark and that’s how you’ll know that you’ve assigned the mod role to the person.

Pro tip: Be sure to press and hold the mod role and place it above the members role, not below. Just like that, place the Owner role and Admin role (Owner higher than Admin) above any other roles. Basically if someone has a role that is placed above another role then they can edit that role that’s placed below them. Messy role placement is dangerous so please be careful.

Answered By: Hotleash

Answer #2:

Adding mods and bots to Discord is a simple process that can help you customize your chat experience and enhance your interactions with friends. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • 1. Open Discord and click on the ‘Mods’ button in the main menu.
  • 2. Select the ‘Add New Mod’ button and enter the following information: Name, Description, and Channel.
  • 3. Click on the ‘Create Mod’ button to add your mod to the list of mods.
  • 4. Click on the ‘Bots’ button in the main menu and select the ‘Add New Bot’ button.
  • 5. Enter the following information: Name, Description, What Commands It Can Execute, and Channel.
  • 6. Click on the ‘Create Bot’ button to add your bot to the list of bots.
Answered By: Rishi Kumar

Does Discord show what I am playing when offline?

Answer #1:

No, Discord won’t show anything you’re doing or playing while you’re offline 🙂

This includes going on invisible mode, as it will hide all activity from others on Discord. I recommend it for times when you’d rather not be disturbed.

All my best, Jaz

Answered By: Jazmyn

Answer #2:

No, it shows only if your status is online

As you go offline the status gets offline as well


Answer #3:

With all your questions spamming my notifications, one should think your kid is using your account.

No. It doesn’t show what you play.
You can even disable that feature for when you’re online.

Answered By: Zahkrosis

Answer #4:

When offline, Discord will not display what games or music you are playing.

The same applies if you set your status to ‘Invisible.’

Answered By: Holy Geek

How do I ignore someone on Discord?

Answer #1:

To ignore someone on Discord, first go to your DMs. Right click on the person. A black box should pop up, giving you the options to: Mark As Read, Profile, Call, Add Note, Close DM, Invite to Server >, Add Friend, Block, or MUTE the person. Click on Mute. Then you can choose the ammount/time they are muted.

Answered By: Mila Yau

What is a good way to make online friends besides large discord servers?

Answer #1:

I don’t know why someone would request that kind of answer from me LMFAO I clearly love and promote Discord over here. However, I also recognize there’s other ways to go if you’re looking for online friends from other than just Discord. Let’s see.

  • Go on Facebook, maybe join a private community or just a simple page that posts about the topic(s) you like. Most pages that are committed to a topic and have been active for a while will have a group chat and they’ll be more than happy to let you in it.
  • Go to random online chatrooms where you can text people anonymously or otherwise and take it from there. If you click, you click. If not, then you have millions of more tries left.
  • Same as Facebook, I think I’ve seen Tumblr has a variety of group chats and a lot of them are public, so you could totally hop on there and try to befriend people.
  • Just randomly hit people up in your socials.

Doesn’t Quora itself have a making friends space or something like that? You should definitely look it up. Good luck on your way!

Answered By: Hotleash

Answer #2:

Join group of people you share the same hobbies with.

Answered By: Maurice Poole

What does it look like when you’ve been blocked on Discord?

Answer #1:

I think there’ll be an error message if you try to text the person who blocked you. You can still most probably see their activity status and profile like someone who blocked you can see yours too. Not sure though, because I haven’t ever been blocked on the app. You’ll be able to see their messages in a server though, and they can too.

Answered By: Hotleash

Answer #2:

If you send a DM to someone who has you blocked, it will be in red text and will tell you that you can’t send messages to that user.

Answered By: Fargo

What is the highest role in Discord?

Answer #1:

Technically, by default there are no roles – it’s only the server founder/creator. However, the person who made the server can make roles and put whatever he wants as the highest.

Answered By: Kallus Rourke

Answer #2:

Nominally server owner though they can give that up. Generally, the highest role is whatever you decide it to be.

Answered By: Kevin McNamara

Answer #3:

the specific name of the role will change based on the server, but the owner/original creator of the server always has the highest role

Answered By: Quite

Answer #4:

It’s the Owner role. But then the Owner still has the highest power in a server even if there’s no Owner role that was previously created. So in that case, it’d be the Admin role. The Admin has the highest power only second to the Owner who has the permission to delete the server which the Admin can’t do.

Answered By: Hotleash

Should I use a phone number or email for Discord?

Answer #1:

You should use neither, since Discord’s vague Privacy Policy allows them to legally sell either one to advertisers:

The information we collect

We collect certain information when you use Discord. This includes information you provide to us, information we collect automatically, and information we receive from other sources.


How we share your information

  • With our vendors. We may share information with vendors we hire to carry out specific work for us.
  • With our related companies. We may share information with our related companies, including parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership.


Answered By: Holy Geek

Answer #2:

You can use one or both, doesn’t really matter. They may send a verification though but it’ll be a digit code you’ll need to enter. Just make sure not to share it with anyone else

Answered By: Natalie Khun

Answer #3:

You may utilize your phone number and email address for account recovery and security, as well as the verification procedure. It is preferable to utilize both for your Discord account.

Answered By: Jessica Adler

Answer #4:

I’d recommend it, definitely. If you somehow get locked out of your account then a phone number would come in handy for confirmation that it’s you trying to gain access to your account and not somebody else snooping. You should add an email anyway for again, better access to your account.

Answered By: Hotleash

Answer #5:

you can use both but if you couldn’t do both for some reason my personal opinion is email

Answered By: Isabelle Exford

Does Discord show who deleted a message?

Answer #1:

So I have some bots in my server and i think 1 of them are deleting my members messages instantly, and i want to see which bot is doing it

Answered By: Noobachu

Answer #2:

if its in a server and you have acsess to an audit log then yes you can see who deleted a message but you wont be able to see what the message said, if its a groupchat then no, youd just have to see the notification to see who said something and then look to see if its still there or not

Answered By: Isabelle Exford

Answer #3:

Many users consider Discord to be their second home. All-day, users talk, make friends, and share memes.

Does discord show who deleted a message? In brief, you might see deleted messages if you followed the necessary measures.

Discord doesn’t have a built-in feature to let you see deleted messages from a server.

Discord has stated in a tweet that:

“Deleted DMs are instantly wiped out from our servers…”

On a server, there is no default option for seeing deleted messages.

However, various third-party applications and plugins that preserve all conversations are free to use.

But it won’t be necessary as there is a built-in audit log, which helps admins gain a clearer insight into messages sent in a text channel.

However, this won’t be necessary because there is a built-in audit log that allows the admins to acquire a clearer insight into messages transmitted via text channel.

This option is relatively limited, in that you will not be able to read the message’s contents, just when it was deleted, on which channel, and by whom.

The audit log also shows other relevant information, such as the actions of your moderators/admins. The log will show you who has been kicked, added, banned, and so on.

To view the audit log, click on the server’s settings. Click on the server name at the top left of your Discord screen and choose server settings, or right-click your server’s icon, which is also on the left side of your screen

Once you’ve visited the settings, look for the “Audit log” option and click on it. You should now see a list of the most recently deleted and edited messages.

If you require additional information about the deleted messages, the audit log will be insufficient, and you’ll need to find another solution.

Fortunately, like with many other elements of Discord, someone has written a bot that solves the problem. These bots keep track of all messages and their associated actions.

Answered By: Magnus Harley
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